The gift of learning for life | Lindamood-Bell Learning Centers
A pastor and his wife describe the journey of helping their twin sons learn to their potential.
Ian’s Story: An adult learns to read and comprehend after suffering a brain injury
Ian is an adult student at Lindamood-Bell, a veteran, and husband. While serving in the armed services, specialists discovered that he had sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) from an accident that happened a year before. He came to us full of self-doubt and frightened. His memory, reading and comprehension skills, math skills, and relationships…
The future looks brighter for a student with autism | Lindamood-Bell Learning Centers
18-year-old Kevin describes his own progress in the Visualizing and Verbalizing program. His mother, Claudia, and autism expert Dr. Ricki Robinson discuss how autism affects his schoolwork and life.
A struggling college student improves her reading comprehension | Lindamood-Bell Learning Centers
An adult describes her struggles with school, her own experience receiving intensive comprehension instruction at the learning center, and the effect it had on her ability to do college-level work.
Parent of a child with autism describes instruction
A mom discusses her experience with Lindamood-Bell instruction for her child, who has autism, and the great success she experienced.