The Benefits of Small Group Instruction
What is Small-Group Instruction? In small-group instruction, a teacher works with a select number of students, typically between two and six, at a similar academic level. This setup allows the teacher to tailor the instruction to the group’s specific needs, offering individualized support and guidance. By utilizing small-group instruction, students can experience a variety of…
Addressing the Literacy Crisis: Proven Solutions for Individuals, Schools, and Districts
Addressing the Literacy Crisis: Proven Solutions for Individuals, Schools, and Districts The latest National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) scores confirm an alarming reality: reading proficiency among American students continues to decline. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the average reading score for fourth graders in 2024 dropped two points from 2022…
Maximize Summer Learning with Proven Professional Development: Transform Student Success
Proven Professional Development and Student Success Summer is the ideal time for educators to enhance students’ instructional skills and prepare for the next academic year. Schools that invest in professional development over the summer create lasting change, empowering teachers with evidence-based strategies that benefit all students. Case Study in Action Monterey Peninsula Unified School…
What is the Science of Reading?
The Science of Reading refers to a body of research examining how humans learn to read and the most effective instructional methods for teaching reading. The Science of Reading integrates findings from psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, cognitive science, and education to inform evidence-based practices. The Science of Reading provides a framework for teaching reading grounded…
Effective Reading Comprehension Strategies for Student Success
Reading comprehension requires the ability to understand and interpret text including using key skills like memory, vocabulary, and critical thinking. Some traditional teaching methods may address these areas, however, Lindamood-Bell’s unique sensory-cognitive approach focuses on explicitly developing concept imagery—the ability to create an imaged gestalt (whole) from oral and written language. Concept imagery is…
Effective Reading Strategies for Students with Dyslexia
Supporting students with dyslexia demands customized approaches that cater to their unique challenges. At Lindamood-Bell, we recognize the difficulties dyslexic learners encounter and are dedicated to empowering both students and educators with evidence-based solutions. This article explores effective reading strategies that enhance skills and boost confidence for individuals with dyslexia. Understanding Dyslexia Dyslexia is…
Special Education Isn’t Always Specialized – with Dr. Robert Pasternack | Lindamood-Bell Radio
In this podcast episode, Dr. Pasternack discusses the role of tiered intervention in preventing unnecessary referrals, the importance of teacher preparation and professional development, and the necessary components of effective literacy instruction. As a teacher, New Mexico State Special Education Director, and, ultimately, as the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative…
Lindamood-Bell approved in Ohio for reading intervention and high-quality tutoring
The Ohio Department of Education lists Lindamood-Bell as a reading intervention that aligns with the science of reading and strategies for effective literacy instruction. Our approach and interventions were approved based on research and evidence in improving literacy skills. Interventions include explicit and systematic instruction for students who persistently struggle to master reading skills. Key…
Training in Literacy Interventions from an Industry Leader
Schedule your next inservice with a proven partner. Plus, get complimentary follow-up support for the entire school year. Since 1986, Lindamood-Bell has been an industry leader in evidence-based instruction for early literacy, struggling readers, and students with disabilities such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, and autism. Our approach is based on the cognitive science of learning…
Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction to Support the Virginia Literacy Act
Lindamood-Bell has been approved by the Virginia Department of Education to improve K-8 literacy outcomes for the Commonwealth’s students. Our approach and interventions were approved based on our research and evidence in improving phonological awareness, phonics, word study, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Interventions include explicit and systematic instruction for students who persistently struggle to…