Evidence-Based programs are key to our solutions for schools. Our professional development for teachers and school partnerships are designed to maximize student achievement.
Level 1
Workshops: Online or In-person
- Learn to develop the underlying processes necessary for a student to learn reading, spelling, comprehension, and math.
- Program steps are modeled and practiced.
- Continuing education units offered
Public workshops open to individuals
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Group rates available with in-person workshops. Learn more.
Level 2
Online Continuing
Professional Development:
The Imagery-Language Connection
After the workshop:
- Extend professional learning throughout the school year to refine instruction.
- Resources and support from Lindamood-Bell experts including discussion forums and live sessions
- Continuing education units offered
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Level 3
Job-Embedded Professional Development Partnership
Develop Instructional Capacity:
- Ongoing job-embedded professional development to increase program fidelity with interactive sessions in the classroom
- Access to advanced Instructional Leadership Development online coursework
- District/school-specific Professional Learning Communities
- Project Management
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Level 4
Comprehensive School Partnership
Comprehensive School Improvement Initiatives:
- Designed to increase student achievement in all tiers of instruction with an emphasis on Tier 3 Intensive Intervention.
- Build school capacity for teacher effectiveness, instructional leadership, data management and overall RTI processes.
- Professional Development in both Seeing Stars and Visualizing and Verbalizing.
See our results with schools.
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Evidence Based Programs are our Foundation

Seeing Stars: Symbol Imagery for Phonological and Orthographic Processing in Reading and Spelling (SI)

Visualizing and Verbalizing for Language Comprehension and Thinking (V/V)

Talkies: Visualizing and Verbalizing for Oral Language Comprehension and Expression (Talkies)

Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing® Program for Reading, Spelling, and Speech (LiPS)

On Cloud Nine: Visualizing and Verbalizing for Math (OCN)