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Our Approach

The Lindamood-Bell Academy is a unique in-person or online accredited California private school where we develop sensory-cognitive processing as a foundation for all learning.
Unlike any other school, our primary goal is to develop cognition. We see each question we ask—each interaction with students—as an opportunity to develop their cognition.


We teach students to think and reason and apply their sensory-cognitive processing to all content, to all curriculum, to all of life.


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Our Approach

NANCI BELL co-founder of Lindamood-bell


Many years ago, as we were developing Lindamood-Bell, we talked about creating a Lindamood-Bell School.   Year after year, we explored the option, but year after year we were unable to make that dream come true.

I’m very excited to tell you that we have created the Lindamood-Bell Academy where we develop the imagery-language foundation for success in language processing and all curriculum.

Our dream has come true.  Please call us for information so we can make your dreams come true too.

Warmest regards,


Our instruction is based on
an individual’s learning needs.

We work with thousands of individuals.

Sitting with a child or an adult who struggles to read a word or comprehend a paragraph provides unique insight into the learning process.

We develop the skills that underlie reading & comprehension.

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Seeing Stars: Symbol Imagery for Phonological and Orthographic Processing in Reading and Spelling (SI)


Visualizing and Verbalizing for Language Comprehension and Thinking (V/V)


Talkies: Visualizing and Verbalizing for Oral Language Comprehension and Expression (Talkies)


Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing® Program for Reading, Spelling, and Speech (LiPS)


On Cloud Nine: Visualizing and Verbalizing for Math (OCN)


Imagery and the Language Processing Spectrum

Can’t read words but can comprehend -- weak symbol imagery

Symptoms of symbol imagery weakness

  • Weak word attack skills
  • Weak word recognition skills
  • Difficulty learning and retaining sight words
  • Weak phonological spelling skills
    (optnrty for opportunity)
  • Weak orthographic spelling skills (opertunity for opportunity)
  • Difficulty reading fluently in context
  • Difficulty monitoring and self-correcting reading and spelling errors
  • Slow and laborious decoding skills
  • May be labeled dyslexic


Can’t comprehend but can read words -- weak concept imagery

Symptoms of concept imagery weakness

  • Weak reading comprehension
  • Weak listening comprehension
  • Difficulty with critical thinking and problem solving
  • Difficulty following directions
  • Difficulty expressing language orally
  • Weak written expression
  • Difficulty grasping humor
  • Difficulty interpreting social situations
  • Difficulty with cause and effect
  • Weak attention and focus
  • Difficulty with mental mapping
  • Difficulty responding to a communicating world

Our Solution

Instructional language to bring
sensory-cognitive function to consciousness and apply that to curriculum.

What letters do you see?
Direct stimulation of and application of symbol imagery.
What do those words make
you picture?
Direct stimulation of and application of concept imagery.
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Ability Evaluation

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