Our Students
A great solution for all students, including those who thrive in non-traditional environments.
Over the past 35 years more than 35,000 students have been taught how to learn to their potential at Lindamood-Bell. While some of our students have a previous diagnosis that affects learning, others seek our help to enhance their skills or to just make learning easier—and we make a difference for each one of them.
Learn MoreOur Students Include:
Instruction is based on the learning needs of each student and the curriculum is flexible. Academy students may work at their own pace and pursue higher levels in any given subject. Students who excel in a certain area can often become bored in a typical classroom. Academy students can enjoy getting ahead in an area of interest, rather than being held back by a standard classroom curriculum.

Lindamood-Bell Academy is located where each child needs to learn. Available at all US learning centers, students can attend in person or online, or they can choose a hybrid model. This works well for our students who live far from a center, have health challenges, or who will be traveling or moving during the school year. Your child’s schooling will stay on track wherever the world takes them.
Academy scheduling is flexible and students move through curriculum at their own pace. Students who have careers or other obligations that interfere with traditional school schedules will attend a school that works with their schedule. Breaks for travel, performances and more are easily incorporated.
For decades, homeschool families have turned to Lindamood-Bell for help with language and literacy skills. Our flexible schedule allows homeschool families to benefit from their community resources, without needing to gain expertise in new subjects.
Students who have weak reading skills tend to fall further behind, year after year, in typical school settings. Students who struggle with sounding out words, and are slow readers, may have weak symbol imagery—the ability to visualize letters in words. This difficulty is not only frustrating for a student, but prevents them from accessing school curriculum alongside peers. At Lindamood-Bell Academy, we are able to provide individualized school curriculum and our evidence-based instruction that addresses the cause of poor reading. The Academy can be an ideal setting for students previously diagnosed with dyslexia, ADHD and other learning challenges.

While most schools challenge students to comprehend and think, they may not address the needs of students who have an underlying comprehension weakness. High expectations and the opportunity to practice are simply not enough for many learners. They may be attending school, but missing out on the big picture for this year’s learning. A cause of comprehension difficulties is weak concept imagery—the ability to create an imagined gestalt (whole) from language. The development of concept imagery improves reading and listening comprehension, memory, oral vocabulary, critical thinking, and writing. At Lindamood-Bell Academy, we can develop the imagery-language connection as a foundation for learning and progress through school curriculum that is at the right level for each student. The Academy can be appropriate for a wide range of students who need to improve their ability to comprehend while they go to school.
Lindamood-Bell Academy can be home for students experiencing a transition year. Our year-round, open enrollment is perfect for students who are changing schools mid-year or are otherwise in-between schools due to health issues, relocation, intensive programs and more. We look forward to making each student’s first day of school special!
Lindamood-Bell Academy is student-centered. Our individualized approach can address the reading and comprehension needs that may be the cause of some students’ worries. Further, our low teacher-student ratio allows us to provide a school that is highly customized to rates of learning. If a student needs to spend more time on a subject, that’s OK! Student days are infused with celebrations of their individual success and is non-competitive. Lindamood-Bell Academy’s environment may be ideal for families seeking an environment that is not conducive to bullying or peer pressure.