I See Movies in My Head: The Key to Reading Comprehension
Most reading experts agree on one thing: In order to comprehend what they read, students must have strong decoding skills and adequate oral vocabulary. In other words, a child must be able accurately decode every word on the page, and know what all of the words mean.
Your Child’s Annual Check Up: Include Learning this Year!
For many students, a Learning Check Up is equally essential. Identifying and addressing an underlying weakness in reading or comprehension, preventively, can make all the difference for your child’s successful school year.
You’re Invited to an Open House for Learning
Come to Our All-Day Open House for Learning. Pop in for a few minutes or as long as you’d like. We’d love to show you how we have been creating the Magic of Learning for 30 years!
Get a Handle on Homework – A Parent Workshop
Join us for our new Parent Workshop: Get a Handle on Homework. Our instruction team will show you how to use the imagery-language connection to help your family with assignments and studying.
Topics will include: simplified organization and planning techniques, how to create the home learning environment, effective motivation techniques and incentives, and application of our unique programs to your child’s homework.
Neurological Activity and Comprehension Skills Improve for Students on the Autism Spectrum
The University of Alabama at Birmingham The University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Cognition, Brain and Autism Center collaborated with Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes to study the comparative effects of Visualizing and Verbalizing (V/V) on the brains of children on the Autism Spectrum. This fMRI study, highlighted in two recent peer-reviewed papers, examined activity in the…
Study Uses fMRI to Show Positive Effects of Seeing Stars
Massachusetts Institute of Technology At Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), researchers conducted a recent fMRI study on the effect of Seeing Stars instruction on beginning readers at-risk for reading difficulties. The students, and a matched control group, received fMRI scans to measure brain activity, in addition to standardized reading tests, before and after…
Changes in Brains of Dyslexics as a Result of Instruction
Wake Forest University and Georgetown University Researchers at Wake Forest University and the Child Study Center at Georgetown University have published conclusions about the effects of Lindamood-Bell instruction on the brain activity and reading ability of dyslexic students. This research noted significant improvements in reading associated with gray matter volume increases following Seeing Stars®…
Early Bird Savings: Extended through April 15th!
Enroll for summer sessions by April 1st and receive a 5% discount off the first week of instruction.
Homeschool.com’s Top 100 Educational Websites
Homeschool.com just published their 2016 Top 100 Educational Websites and included Lindamood-Bell!
Skip Flu Season this Year: Key Advice You’ve Never Heard
Check out this critical advice from learning experts, Lindamood-Bell, on how to check if your child really comprehends what’s going on when we wash up.