Tullahoma City Schools Team up With Lindamood-Bell’s Lucky the Robot
With the help of four robots named Lucky, instructors at Tennessee’s Tullahoma City Schools (TCS) and Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes have teamed up to provide an innovative way to educate students.
San Luis Valley Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) Partners with Lindamood-Bell
The Colorado Department of Education provided the San Luis Valley BOCES an opportunity to improve literacy by creating a partnership with Lindamood-Bell. This initiative provides personnel with professional development in research-validated programs. Even as this partnership is in the first year, the results are very good.
Holiday Survival Tips
For kids, the sensory overload from increased activities and altered schedules often triggers stress and outbursts. For kids with learning challenges, changes to the usual routine can be especially disruptive.
Winter Break Instruction Special
Receive 5 Free Instruction Hours when you enroll for at least 20 hours of instruction during Winter Break.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent-teacher conferences can be stressful. We are here to help with a Winter Break Special.
3 Best Activities for Kindergarten Learning
Parent Guide: The 3 Best Activities for Boosting Kindergarten Learning If your child is in Kindergarten this year, you know your teacher has a long list of goals to accomplish. The skills likely include: Letter names and sounds Sounding out for reading and writing Sight word recognition and spelling Printing letters and numbers Understanding…
How to Create a Good Study Space for Your Child
Do your kids dread studying? Click below for some simple tips to create a productive and enjoyable study space for all types of students.
Lindamood-Bell Celebrates Our Troops!
On Tuesday, November 10th, all 59 of our US Learning Centers celebrated our 6th annual Thank-a-Thon by creating thousands of thank you cards and letters to be sent to our troops overseas.
We’re Flying our Kite High in the Land Down Under!
We’re Flying our Kite High in the Land Down Under! Lindamood-Bell traveled to Brisbane, Australia in September to present our research at the Asia Pacific Autism Conference. Lindamood-Bell’s results with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders were featured. Researchers and educators from around the world gathered to share their latest findings about a range of important…
Four Challenges Hindering Literacy Success in Urban Schools
Four Challenges Hindering Literacy Success in Urban Schools There are several challenges urban schools face while attempting to meet the needs of its diverse student population. As one Public School Program Manager for Specialized Instruction put it, “As a district, we are heavily over-identified for special education services. We have so many children that have IEPs, so many…