Announcing Our New School: The Lindamood-Bell Academy
Today, we are excited to announce the new Lindamood-Bell Academy—a private school—where we develop the imagery-language foundation for language processing and curriculum.
Happy 4th of July!
Lindamood-Bell wishes everyone a safe and happy 4th of July! Have a wonderful day celebrating the holiday with friends and family!
Bedtime Reading 101: How and Why to Make the Most of this Important Activity
Bedtime reading can take children to a safe and enchanted world for a few minutes each night; and when kids are cozy and comfortable, reading aloud to them can help them “de-compress” from any worries from the day. Reading to your child is also a special time to be close to your child and bond…
Tips for Parents of Kids with a Comprehension Weakness: The Imagery-Language Connection at Home
When a student has an identified comprehension weakness, parents might pursue help for their academics. Unfortunately, language comprehension troubles can affect family life, too. A primary cause of language comprehension problems is difficulty creating an imagined gestalt. This is called weak concept imagery. This weakness causes individuals to get only “parts” of information they…
Colorado School Implementing Lindamood-Bell Outperforms Comparison Schools in Reading
Background Haskin Elementary School in Center, Colorado, serves a large percentage of students who are at-risk of reading failure. From 2010–11 to 2013-14, Haskin implemented Lindamood-Bell instruction to address the specific needs of this student population. The first three years of this project, 2010-11 through 2012-13, were funded through a federal School Improvement Grant (SIG)….
Summer Learning Plan: When the Teacher Recommends Reading Help
Teachers always encourage students to read as much as they can over the summer. But if your last parent-teacher conference came with a specific suggestion—to get some extra reading support during the summer months—you may be considering one of the following options to prepare for next school year: Teach your child to read yourself….
Today is Red Nose Day!
As an organization that believes in the potential of all individuals, Lindamood-Bell is proud to support Red Nose Day. We know that when children’s needs are met, anything is possible. Because “Red Nose Day is on a mission to lift kids out of poverty and has raised over $1 billion globally in the last…
More Than Tutoring: Why Intensive Instruction Works
Those who are new to Lindamood-Bell instruction may be more familiar with traditional tutoring and programs which are generally conducted 1 to 3 hours a week over the course of months or years. Therefore, recommendations for intensive intervention—4 hours/day and 5 days a week—may be a new concept. If your child is having difficulty…
Helping Schools Close the Achievement Gap
Lindamood-Bell’s® research-validated programs address the imagery-language connection that is a silent partner to cognition and literacy, and is often the missing piece in helping students close the achievement gap. Our unique programs can help diverse groups of students learn to read, comprehend, and compute to their potential, including students with minor to severe learning…
Nanci Bell to present at University of Exeter Medical School, International Conference: The Eye’s Mind: Visual Imagination, Neuroscience and the Humanities
‘The Eye’s Mind’ is a study, based out of the University of Exeter, of the neural basis of visual imagination, and the individual differences in the ability to visualize. A conference exploring the project’s findings will be held May 21-22, 2016. The Eye’s Mind: Visual Imagination, Neuroscience and the Humanities is an international conference…