Better Study Skills and Homework Tips
As a parent, you know the importance of completing homework and strong study skills, yet many kids don’t know where to begin. To avoid the constant nagging, battles, and lost papers, it’s time to get your kids organised. After all, there’s no reason for both you and your kids to dread school. Here’s how…
Get Help During the School Year: The Right Time to Change Learning
School at any year can include the kind of good challenges that foster learning: discovering a solution in science lab, writing a poem, or even studying for a big test, can all be positive learning experiences. However, if a student has a weakness that affects learning to begin with, they may not be getting everything…
What May be Missing When Your Reader Struggles
When a student struggles with reading, extra help typically focuses on sounding out words and spelling rules. Unfortunately, after months of hard work and frustration, many students continue to struggle with grade level text. Perhaps they can sound out words but it is slow and labored. They may take so long to sound out…
{INFOGRAPHIC} Here I Come, Kindergarten! Start with the Magic of Learning
If your child is starting kindergarten this year, you know his teacher will have a long list of goals to accomplish before the end of the school year. To some degree, your child will definitely be working on: Letter names and sounds Sounding out for reading and writing Sight word recognition and spelling Printing…
Get Help: Afterschool Learning to the Rescue!
If your family is like most, you’ve enjoyed the summer break—and may not exactly be looking forward to the school year’s relentless schedule of project deadlines, events, and class obligations. And if last year ended on a sour note—either because your child has a learning difficulty or because getting through homework was just rough—you may…
Imagine Better Homework – A Parent Workshop
Join us for our new Parent Workshop: Get a Handle on Homework. Our instruction team will show you how to use the imagery-language connection to help your family with assignments and studying.
Topics will include: simplified organization and planning techniques, how to create the home learning environment, effective motivation techniques and incentives, and application of our unique programs to your child’s homework.
Begin the New School Year With Confidence
It’s almost time to go back to school! If you’re like most parents, you are spending the last few weeks of summer with your family: relaxing and reconnecting and enjoying your time together. Maybe you went away or possibly, you preferred a stay at home holiday. You may have scheduled trips to the local library…
Tips for Your Young Learner: Ready or Not, School is Coming!
A generation ago, kindergarten days were filled with activities like finger painting, “Hide-and-Go-Seek”, making friends and learning to be peaceful at nap time. And, while reading and spelling may have been introduced in grade 1, there was nothing like today’s pressure for students to be performing according to grade-level standards. Sure, there is still…
How and Why to Make the Most of Bedtime Reading
Bedtime reading can take children to a safe and enchanted world for a few minutes each night; and when kids are cosy and comfortable, reading aloud to them can help them “de-compress” from any worries from the day. Reading to your child is also a special time to be close to your child and bond…
The Imagery-Language Connection at Home: Tips for Parents Whose Kids Have a Comprehension Weakness
When a student has an identified comprehension weakness, parents might pursue help for their academics. Unfortunately, language comprehension troubles can affect family life, too. A primary cause of language comprehension problems is difficulty creating an imagined gestalt. This is called weak concept imagery. This weakness causes individuals to get only “parts” of information they…