We Offer PD in the Science of Reading
Lindamood-Bell is pleased to offer professional development in the Science of Reading, as approved by the Oklahoma State Department of Education. The Seeing Stars® and Visualizing and Verbalizing® programs address the components outlined in the Reading Sufficiency Act (RSA). As an industry leader in reading interventions and professional development for more than 35 years, we…
Intensive Summer Reading Camps
Re-imagine High Impact Tutoring and Extended Learning Opportunities For too many students, summer is a time of learning regression. This can be particularly devastating in light of the pandemic’s impact on student learning. Increasingly, school districts are taking proactive steps to remediate reading difficulties by utilizing the summer months to provide intensive, sensory-cognitive…
Arizona Dept. of Education Selects the Seeing Stars, Visualizing and Verbalizing, and LiPS Programs as Approved Interventions for the Move On When Reading Initiative
The Seeing Stars, Visualizing and Verbalizing, and LiPS programs have been selected by the Arizona Dept. of Education as approved interventions for the Move on When Reading initiative. Intervention programs selected for the initiative are recognized as meeting one of the top three evidence tiers, as defined by ESSA. Since 1986, Lindamood-Bell has worked…
Supporting the Hawai‘i State Department of Education to Empower Schools Nā Hopena A‘o (HĀ)
Lindamood-Bell is very pleased to announce its selection by the Hawai‘i State Department of Education (HIDOE) to support schools under the COMPREHENSIVE ASSISTANCE, TRAINING, AND EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES AND SERVICES (CATERS) program. The primary objective of the HIDOE is to empower schools and provide access to various resources, tools, supports, and assistance focused on Nā…
Lindamood-Bell is a Colorado READ Act Provider
In 1997, Lindamood-Bell began partnering with districts in Colorado to train teachers in evidence-based reading instruction. Since then we have worked with dozens of school districts and hundreds of schools around the state to increase student achievement. Twenty-six years later, we are proud to continue our support for educators and students under the Colorado…
Transform Your Child’s School Year
Worried about learning loss or the “summer slide?” Whether your student has always struggled or is experiencing difficulty with academics for the first time, our Learning Center can help. With Lindamood-Bell instruction, your student can catch up or get ahead this fall, potentially making years of progress in a matter of weeks. Our one-to-one, dynamic…
Go Back to School with Confidence | Summer Instruction at Lindamood-Bell
At Lindamood-Bell, students develop sensory-cognitive processing as a foundation for all learning. Instruction is personalized to each student’s individual needs. Our unique approach is evidence-based and improves reading, comprehension, and math skills. Students return to school with confidence, ready to succeed. Our renowned instruction is one-to-one, so we’ll only spend time on what your…
Let’s Make This Summer Incredible!
Imagine your child starting next school year confident and ready to tackle any learning challenge. With Lindamood-Bell, expect the incredible! We successfully develop the skills necessary for reading, writing, comprehension, and math. Watch as your child blossoms with a new love of learning! The unique, dynamic instruction at Lindamood-Bell is personalized,. one-to-one, focusing on your…
Data-Driven Instruction: Everyday Tips for Teachers
At many schools, conversations about data-driven instruction are focused on formal progress monitoring tools and the school’s data wall. While assessments are necessary, there is also valuable data to be found in the classroom everyday. Through formative assessment, teachers are gathering data during lessons and activities, while learning is taking place. They can use the…
Increase Student Math Achievement
On Cloud Nine Visualizing and Verbalizing for Math Lindamood-Bell’s professional development workshops for math can help build teachers’ capacity to address learning gaps and bring students to grade level. Workshops are live, highly interactive, and include hands-on practice. Our professional development levels support teachers in teaching within an MTSS/RtI framework, not just what to…