Leverage American Rescue Plan for Literacy Growth with Lindamood-Bell PD
Relief funding from Congress includes over $100 billion in support of K-12 schools.
Take advantage of these funds to get students back on track and boost literacy achievement with Lindamood-Bell Professional Development.
Lindamood-Bell Professional Development builds teacher expertise in literacy instruction
- Evidence-based programs supported by the cognitive science of reading
- In-person and online workshops and job-embedded professional development
- Interventions for MTSS, K-12, including dyslexia
Lindamood-Bell Tutoring Corps offers high-impact tutoring to accelerate learning
- Training for your teachers, paraprofessionals, tutors
- Or instruction provided by the Lindamood-Bell Tutoring Corps
- In-person or online tutoring (where available)
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funding Opens Up Exciting Opportunities to Increase Achievement for All Students
Guidance from the Education Department on the use of relief funds includes strategies to address lost instructional time, particularly for students already underserved when the pandemic hit.
Relief funds are intended to provide services that will accelerate learning through instructional approaches, tutoring, and expanded learning time. Lindamood-Bell’s instructional approach and services align with ESSER strategies to increase achievement.
Lindamood-Bell partners with schools to provide evidence-based interventions for students. We deliver levels of professional learning for educators to help increase student achievement. We have extensive experience in working with diverse school districts and student populations. Our partnerships include pilot programs to large-scale school and district-wide implementation.
To learn more or to set up a free online overview of our programs and PD options
or call 800.233.1819 for more information.
Lindamood-Bell is a qualified member of proventutoring.org.