We are so excited to celebrate our London Learning Center’s 20-year anniversary!
Our London-Notting Hill Learning Center welcomes students of all ages and abilities to learn to their potential. Watch our video to see what we’ve done over the past 20 years.
Now more than ever, Lindamood-Bell can help your student have a successful school year.
Is your student ready for the next school year or have they struggled? Our Learning Center is here to help. Our unique instruction develops cognition, the basis for all learning skills. We teach students to think and reason and apply their sensory-cognitive processing to all content, to all curriculum, to all of life. With Lindamood-Bell…
Summer Spots are Filling Fast!
After the past couple of years many students lost ground in basic academic skills. Stanford researchers reported that “reading fluency among second- and third-graders is roughly thirty percent behind what would be expected in a typical year.” We know from experience that the earlier a learning issue is addressed, the less time it will take…
Now more than ever, Lindamood-Bell can help your student have a successful school year.
Worried about learning loss? Whether your student has always struggled or is experiencing difficulty with academics for the first time, our learning center can help. With Lindamood-Bell instruction, your student can catch up or get ahead this fall, potentially making years of progress in a matter of weeks. Our one-to-one learning center instruction helps…
Now is a Great Time for Instruction
Autumn is a great time to consider how changing your child’s learning could make a huge difference this school year. While summer is a busy time in our learning centers, many families come for instruction in the autumn and take advantage of savings available only from February-November. Learn more, save more Enjoy up to 15%…
How Daily, Personal Intensive Instruction Makes the Difference
A bright and articulate eight-year-old, Jacob shifts uncomfortably in his seat when his teacher announces that the class will take turns reading aloud. “Maybe if I ask to go to the bathroom, I’ll miss my turn,” he thinks. Jacob has an impressive vocabulary and his teachers frequently tell him how smart he is. But he’s…
Lindamood-Bell 2021 Highlights
We are grateful for each individual who has learned with us worldwide at our Learning Centers, Lindamood-Bell Academy, Workshops, and School Partnerships. For over thirty-five years, we have believed that all children and adults can learn to read and comprehend to their potential. As it was in 1986, our goal is to make a life-changing…
Lindamood-Bell Instruction Can Make the Difference of a Lifetime!
For 35 years, Lindamood-Bell has believed that all individuals can learn to their potential. We are dedicated to changing the lives of children and adults with our evidence-based, personalized instruction for reading, comprehension, and numeracy. Our renowned instruction begins with our diagnostic Learning Ability Evaluation. The evaluation will help you clearly understand your child’s unique…
We’re Thanking America’s Heroes!
On Thursday, November 4, our staff, students, and their families will take part in our annual Thank-a-Thon event to show appreciation for America’s military men and women as well as First Responders.. By partnering with Operation Gratitude, an organization with a mission to “forge strong bonds between Americans and their Military and First Responder…
Catch Up or Get Ahead with Lindamood-Bell!
Especially this fall, Lindamood-Bell is here to help. With our instruction for reading, comprehension, and math, your student can catch up or get ahead. You can rely on our experience and proven results to make a difference for your child. Identifying strengths and weaknesses is the first step. Hear Fiona’s parents discuss their concerns and…