Intensive Instruction: Why Now?
A bright and articulate 8-year-old, Jacob shifts uncomfortably in his seat when his teacher announces that they’d be taking turns reading aloud. “Maybe if I ask to go to the bathroom, I’ll miss my turn,” he thinks. Jacob has a high vocabulary and his teachers frequently tell him how smart he is, but…
Learning Camps as Unique as Your Child!
Summer learning at Lindamood-Bell is individualized to meet the learning needs of each student in a short amount of time. Because it’s one-to-one, we’ll only spend time on what your child needs. We’ll start with a learning evaluation to uncover the strengths and weaknesses that affect academic performance. In a results consultation, we will…
Lindamood-Bell Online Instruction: Flexible and Interactive!
Juggling after-school activities, homework and a social life is challenging for any student — but for students who also need academic support, it can be almost impossible to find a way to fit it all in. Luckily, technology has made it easier to streamline a lot of our daily activities. Lindamood-Bell offers online…
Make a Difference with Intensive Instruction: Imagine Your Child’s Potential
Those who are new to Lindamood-Bell may be more familiar with traditional tutoring and accommodations which are conducted over the course of semesters or years. Therefore, our daily instruction, that changes reading or comprehension in a short period of time, may be unfamiliar. An “intensive care” learning environment can be ideal for students who…
When the Teacher Suggests Reading Help: Summer Learning Solutions
Teachers always encourage students to read as much as they can over summer break. But if your last parent-teacher conference came with a specific suggestion—to get reading support during the summer months—you are likely considering one of the following: 1. Reading more with your child, teaching him/her to read yourself 2. Having a “reading…
Why Intensive Instruction Now?
A bright and articulate third grader, Jacob shifts uncomfortably in his seat when his teacher announces that they’d be taking turns reading aloud. “Maybe if I ask to go to the bathroom, I’ll miss my turn,” he thinks. Jacob has a high vocabulary and his teachers frequently tell him how smart he is,…
When Your Reader Struggles, What May be Missing?
When a student struggles with reading, extra help typically focuses on sounding out words and spelling rules. Unfortunately, after months of hard work and frustration, many students continue to struggle with year level text. Perhaps they can sound out words but it is slow and laboured. They may take so long to sound out…
Online Lindamood-Bell Instruction
Online Lindamood-Bell® instruction is located where each child needs to learn. We connect with you from a Lindamood-Bell Learning Center and our instruction staff work with your student one-to-one. We provide the same quality instruction families experience with us in person. Our online instruction is a great option for continuing students, as well as students…
Springtime Learning at Lindamood-Bell: Finish the Year Strong!
At this point in the school year, students everywhere are feeling the pressure of looming due dates and stressed schedules. For students who struggle with learning, this time of year can be especially taxing. Their performance may have lagged behind peers all year, and increased academic expectations may be compounding the issue. Spending so many…
Tertiary Students and Academic Support
Many young adults experience similar challenges as they make the transition from secondary school to tertiary education. Confronted with academic challenges they didn’t experience in secondary school, they can feel overwhelmed by the new educational environment. Some common experiences are: Struggling to develop time management habits Difficulty prioritising and keeping up with class…