Why Daily Intensive Instruction?
Those who are new to Lindamood-Bell may be more familiar with traditional tutoring conducted over the course of semesters or years. Therefore, our daily instruction, that changes reading or comprehension in a short period of time, may be unfamiliar. An “intensive care” learning environment can be ideal for students who are not performing to their…
School Partnerships | Spotlight on Kentwood Public Schools
The research-validated programs authored by Lindamood-Bell’s founders address the imagery-language connection that is a silent partner to cognition and literacy, and is often the missing piece in helping students close the achievement gap. Our unique programs can help diverse groups of students learn to read, comprehend, and compute to their potential, including students with…
Tips for Preventing the Summer Slide
Time away from school can lead to measurable learning loss in skills like reading. Teachers know all about “the summer slide”— students come back to school out of practice, maybe forgetting some of what they learned. For this reason, your child’s teacher may have encouraged families to make reading a summer priority. We’ve gathered…
Tips for Parents | Help Make Summer Reading Fun
During the school year, reading is built into a child’s day. Students are reading from the board, assignment sheets, and books at school, and during homework time. Parents may feel challenged when trying to squeeze reading into the summer schedule. No matter where your summer adventures take your family, it’s important to include regular reading…
Tips for Parents: When the Teacher Recommends Reading Help
Research shows that students who read over summer break end up boosting their reading skills, while those who do not, often slide backward, losing up to two months of what they learned during the school year. This is why teachers always encourage students to read as much as possible over summer break. But if your…
[Podcast Episode] Dorit Battaglia, Primary School Teacher
An educator discusses how her rural school district is successfully addressing the learning needs of a diverse student population using the Lindamood-Bell approach to language and literacy.
Extended! Early Bird Savings | Sign Up Now for Summer!
Summer is a great time to get help with reading, comprehension, or math. In just a few weeks’ time, we can make years of change so your child can go back to school with new confidence. Also, working on crucial skills can minimize the learning loss that takes place for many students. Our evidence-based…
Help Us Bring a Lindamood-Bell Learning Camp to Your Community
So far, Lindamood-Bell has taught more than 40,000 students to read and comprehend to their potential. We are able to reach students, in part, by bringing our Learning Camps to new communities every year. A Learning Camp is an extension of a Learning Center that is open 4-12 weeks—enough time to change learning for…
Lindamood-Bell Academy Can Make the Difference of a Lifetime for Your Child
At the Lindamood-Bell Academy, we believe that all children can learn to their potential. We address each child’s learning ability and offer a full, individualized curriculum that can make the difference of a lifetime. Pre-register to receive our open house video and hear director Emily Jayne discuss how Lindamood-Bell Academy may the…
How to Help Your Child Improve Comprehension at Home
When a child has an identified comprehension weakness, it makes sense to pursue extra help for academics. Students can get help from tutors, learning specialists, or may have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) in place at school. Unfortunately, language comprehension troubles can affect family life, too. This is especially difficult when weak thinking skills are…