Making the Most of After School
When learning is hard, getting through homework can be tough on the whole family. Teachers often give homework assignments to reinforce what is learned in school. But if a student didn’t “get it” in class, homework can quickly become a battleground between parent and child. Read on for how to prevent battles before they start….
Is a Learning Check-Up What My Child Needs?
As parents, we are all familiar with the yearly well-visit to the paediatrician’s office. The hearing and vision screenings, in particular, can offer insight about a child’s struggles in school. Catching an issue early can stop problems before they start. For many students, a learning check-up can be equally essential. Identifying and addressing an underlying…
Begin the New School Year With Confidence
If you’re like most parents, you’ve spent some time the last few months with your family, relaxing and enjoying your time together. Now, with a new school year on the horizon, your child may be less than excited. He or she may be feeling stressed about the increased level of academics this year. Struggles…
It’s Not Too Late for Summer Learning
Still finalizing summer plans? It’s not too late to join us for a few weeks! Our intensive instruction results in extraordinary gains and can be one of of the most positive learning experiences of your child’s life. If school is not always easy for your child, you may have mixed feelings about using summertime…
Watch it Now | Learning Center Open House
Be our Guest at our Dream Big for Learning Virtual Open House! We help students learn to read, comprehend and do math to their potential. Our instruction is based on an individual’s learning needs. Some students come to us with previous diagnoses such as dyslexia, autism spectrum disorder, or general learning challenges—and we…
Summer Learning Plan: When the Teacher Recommends Reading Help
Teachers always encourage students to read as much as they can over summer break. But if your last parent-teacher conference came with a specific suggestion—to get reading support during the summer months—you are likely considering one of the following: 1. Reading more with your child, teaching him/her to read yourself 2. Having a “reading…
The Magic of Summer Learning
The Right Time Many families are new to using summertime for learning—dreaming only of endless summer days with family and friends. We agree that students, especially those who struggle, do need a break from school. But for many students, three months away from academics can lead to measurable learning loss in skills like reading and math—especially…
Turn Summer Learning Loss into Learning Gain!
For many students, three months away from academics can lead to measurable learning loss in skills like reading and math—which, of course, is not what any family wants to be faced with at the start of the upcoming school year. We’ve gathered a few ideas to help your family balance rest and learning all summer….
4 Signs Your Child Needs Reading Help
It is only natural for parents to wonder how their child’s reading stacks up next to peers. This is especially the case when there is an older sibling or friend in the picture who seemed to breeze through the process. It is not always clear whether a child has a weakness that needs to be…
Summer Sessions filling now.
In just a few weeks, we can change reading, comprehension, or math. Summer is a great time to make this happen for your child. Make your plans now and enjoy special savings. Enroll for summer sessions by April 14th and receive 5% off the first week of instruction. Find the Learning Center near…