Leaders in Literacy
Accelerating Reading and Closing Learning Gaps with Sensory-Cognitive Instruction
Students everywhere have lost months of learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, with disadvantaged students experiencing the largest impacts. Kentwood Public Schools in Michigan might seem to have the odds stacked against it—61% of students qualify for free and reduced lunch and students in the diverse district speak over eighty-three different languages, having immigrated from ninety different countries.
However, for more than fourteen years, the district has been implementing sensory-cognitive instruction to address individual learning needs. Kentwood educators are trained and ready to help students get caught up and back to grade-level curriculum as quickly as possible.
They are implementing a district-wide “Boost” model which aims to offset learning loss in reading. This summer and throughout next year, they will provide students with intensive literacy centers. High-dosage, evidence-based instruction has been shown to be the fastest way to accelerate learning.
It is our pleasure to welcome:
Sheryl McCarthy
Early Childhood Literacy Coach
Kentwood Public Schools, Kentwood, Michigan
Ms. McCarthy has been the Literacy Specialist overseeing the implementation of Lindamood-Bell instruction in Kentwood Public Schools for the past fourteen years.
This presentation is appropriate for administrators, including State, District, and School Administrators, Staff Development Coordinators, and Lead Teachers; this presentation is appropriate for addressing the needs of a wide variety of populations, including Special Education, Regular Education, and English Language Learners.
The Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) has endorsed the Seeing Stars® program and the Visualizing and Verbalizing® program, which were authored by Lindamood-Bell’s founders.