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Check out the EXTRAS only available at our Summer 2015 Workshops at our corporate headquarters in San Luis Obispo. And learn about the new event scheduled in San Diego.
- More events!
- Hard-to-find workshops!
- Special guests!
We are excited to announce four opportunities to attend Lindamood-Bell Summer Workshops: San Luis Obispo in June, July, and August and San Diego in August only.
Our full course schedules in San Luis Obispo include the following:
- On Cloud Nine: V/V for Math
- Talkies: V/V for Oral Language Comprehension and Expression
- Lindamood-Bell Sensory-Cognitive Assessments Workshop (Learn and receive the Symbol Imagery and LAC-3 Tests).
Participants in the San Luis Obispo Seeing Stars and Visualizing and Verbalizing workshops this summer will receive manuals signed by Lindamood-Bell co-founder and program author, Nanci Bell. And, Nanci Bell is scheduled to deliver keynote presentations for the San Luis Obispo Talkies® and On Cloud Nine® workshops (August only).