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Numerous peer-reviewed articles based on studies examining the effectiveness of the Lindamood-Bell programs have been published in scholarly journals.

Below, you will find information on these research articles including references, abstracts, links to the articles in their entirety, and more.

Changes in intrinsic local connectivity after reading intervention in children with autism (2017)

Maximo, J. O., Murdaugh, D. L., O’Kelley, S., & Kana, R. K. (2017). Changes in intrinsic local connectivity after reading intervention in children with autism. Brain and Language, 175, 11-17. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2017.08.008

“Decoding versus comprehension”: Brain responses underlying reading comprehension in children with autism

Bednarz, H. M., Maximo, J. O., Murdaugh, D. L., O’Kelley, S., & Kana, R. K. (2017). “Decoding versus comprehension”: Brain responses underlying reading comprehension in children with autism. Brain and Language, 169, 39-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bandl.2017.01.002

Gestalt Imagery: A Critical Factor in Language Comprehension

Bell, N. (1991). Gestalt imagery: A critical factor in language comprehension. Annals of Dyslexia, 41(1), 246-260. doi:10.1007/BF02648089

Changes in Intrinsic Connectivity of the Brain’s Reading Network Following Intervention in Children With Autism (2015)

Murdaugh, D. L., Maximo, J.O., & Kana, R.K. (2015). Changes in intrinsic connectivity of the brain’s reading network following intervention in children with autism. Human Brain Mapping, 36, 2965-2979. doi:10.1002/hbm.22821

From word reading to multisentence comprehension: Improvements in brain activity in children with autism after reading intervention

Murdaugh, D. L., Deshpande, H. D., & Kana, R. K. (2017). From word reading to multisentence comprehension: Improvements in brain activity in children with autism after reading intervention. Neuroimage, 16, 303-312. doi:10.1002/aur.1503

Sensory-Cognitive Factors in the Controversy Over Reading Instruction

Lindamood, P. C., Bell, N., & Lindamood, P. D. (1997). Sensory-cognitive factors in the controversy over reading instruction. Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders 1(1), 143-182. Retrieved from http://www.icdl.com/bookstore/icdl-publications/journal-of-development-and-learning

The Impact of Reading Intervention on Brain Responses Underlying Language in Children With Autism

Murdaugh, D. L., Deshpande, H. D. & Kana, R. K. (2015). The Impact of Reading Intervention on Brain Responses Underlying Language in Children With Autism. Autism Research, 9, 141-154. doi:10.1002/aur.1503

Verbalization and Visualization Process: Its Applicability in EFL

Fayez, O, & Hor, G. (2009). Verbalization and visualization process: Its applicability in EFL. International Journal of Humanities, 7(8), 33-42. Retrieved from http://www.ijhssnet.com/

Training Reading Comprehension in Adequate Decoders/Poor Comprehenders: Verbal Versus Visual Strategies

Johnson-Glenberg, M. C. (2000). Training reading comprehension in adequate decoders/poor comprehenders: Verbal versus visual strategies. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92, 772-782. https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/0022-0663.92.4.772

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