No matter where you are, our personalized online instruction for reading, comprehension, and math is at your fingertips! We provide one-on-one, interactive instruction so your child can catch up or get ahead in reading, comprehension, and math. Our virtual students achieve comparable gains on targeted measures, just like our in-center students.
Pre and post-analysis of our students’ standardized test scores shows that students who received live-online instruction made statistically comparable gains to those who received in-person instruction. Live-online and in-person students tested statistically significantly higher post-instruction on all measures: word attack, word recognition, spelling, rate, paragraph accuracy, paragraph fluency, vocabulary, reading comprehension, phonemic awareness, and symbol imagery.
To ascertain the comparative effects of virtual instruction, we measured our live-online instruction growth metrics against traditional in-person instruction growth metrics to analyze their effectiveness. The comparison revealed statistically significant comparable gains in literacy skills.
Decoding Gains:
Average Age: In-Person Students: 9.3 Live-Online Students: 10.0
Comprehension Gains:
Average Age: In-Person Students: 11.9 Live-Online Students: 13.1
Live-online and in-person students tested statistically significantly higher post-instruction on all measures: word attack, word recognition, spelling, rate, paragraph accuracy, paragraph fluency, vocabulary, reading comprehension, phoneme awareness, and symbol imagery. Results indicate that all measures were comparable in progress between the two populations.
Enjoy 20% off the first week of online instruction.*
Call now at 800-233-1819 or request information to learn more about our online instruction.
*Terms and Conditions: Applicable to new enrollments only. Must enroll in at least 100 hours (or the instructional recommendation).